The picture is presented for examination with a meta of arbitrariness on the vision of the creation behind the cordon. Describe the work: The picture is painted in a realistic manner in the cold coloric gamy, , , , -
The seaside is a kind of swirling days. The water surface is quiet, beyond the shore there are viscous, open with a big smell of firewood, widely spilling on the rye-siriškov beach. One whimper destroys the sophistical, with high breezes, breaking out about the stone shaved in the center of the composition. 3rd beyond the horizon, the right hand comes with gentle skels, written in the lines of the heart. The sky of the rich blakite kolora is clearer, only close to the middle of the prozor-rye-ryechast hmari
To blunt the sun.
The left lower class has the author’s inscription: “D. Sivachenko” (blue color).
Visnovki: The examination confirms that the picture is not the first-ordered behind the artistic works in the road of the mittsa, which may have insignificant cultural value, is not recommended until it is brought to the State Register of the National Cultural Ban and the Museum Fund of Ukraine. It can be made up to the official legislation of Ukraine. The official legislation of Ukraine.
The head of the NMTSh foundations: